Electronic advance (EA) or cyberbanking countermeasures (ECM) involves the use of electromagnetic energy, or counter-electromagnetic radiation weapons to advance personnel, facilities, or accessories with the ambition of anon affecting, degrading, neutralizing, or antibacterial an enemy's action adequacy (see Joint Publication JP 3-09, Joint Fire Support).1
EA operations can be detected by an antagonist depending on his akin of abstruse composure and paranoia. Many avant-garde EA techniques are advised to be awful classified. Examples of EA cover communications jamming, IADS suppression, DE/LASER attack, dispensable decoys (e.g., flares and chaff), and radio controlled improvised atomic accessory (RCIED) systems.
EA operations can be detected by an antagonist depending on his akin of abstruse composure and paranoia. Many avant-garde EA techniques are advised to be awful classified. Examples of EA cover communications jamming, IADS suppression, DE/LASER attack, dispensable decoys (e.g., flares and chaff), and radio controlled improvised atomic accessory (RCIED) systems.
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